Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Movers Have Gone

            I wondered if they would ever arrive.  The wait was tortuous, more so because I was promised for two weeks that they would be here within a day or two.  I complained to the broker (All State Van Lines) and to Five Stars Movers.  Promises were repeatedly made and broken.  But finally, they came just before 6 p.m.
            And once they were here, they worked.  Oh, how they worked.  Shawn joined in, as did the teenager next door.  I know for a fact that my antique crystal goblets made it intact.  So did the antique furniture.   I unpacked two large kitchen boxes and directed furniture placement.  All the other boxes just about fill up what will be the guest room/toy room.
            One of the workers spoke virtually no English.  The driver’s English was heavily accented and hard for me to understand, especially on the many unsatisfactory phone calls over the past three weeks.  As I watched them work, though, my heart softened.  The anger over the long wait and broken promises faded away.  I saw two men hard at work and anxious to please.  The final item to come inside, my big side-by-side refrigerator, took the longest as they managed to maneuver it through a front door that wasn’t quite wide enough.

            And now everyone is gone.  Tomorrow morning Dana will come help me start the unpacking.  Tomorrow evening Shawn will hook up my dryer and refrigerator.  I have my bed to sleep in, though heaven only knows in which boxes my bedding and pillows reside.  As I picked up stray leaves and strips of packing tape in the living room, something on the floor caught my eye:  an old, battered yellow M & M that must have fallen out of Mom’s recliner.  I laughed out loud.   Love you, too, Mom.  Welcome to my new home.

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