Thursday, September 19, 2024

Speech to Text: How I Became a Rebel

Last Sunday evening, I rebelled. I was so hot and uncomfortable that all at once I got up, went to my room, and took the compression bra off. That is what was bothering me: I get too warm easily, and the compression bra was just too much. I had two reactions: relief and dismay. It was the first time I had taken a close look at my missing breast. I had not expected my chest to be concave. Enough said.

The relief was so great that I spent the next 24 hours without compression. That gave me enough time to launder the bra. Reluctantly, I put it back on.

On Wednesday yeah it's my weekly appointment, I confessed to the nurse. She was not happy. Neither was I because my drain was still producing. The goal is for the drain to run dry and get it taken out So that I can take showers again. Taking off the compression bra increased the drain output. Hopefully, with my renewed determination to follow all the rules, The drain will be removed next week. However, I learned that I must still wear the compression bra 24/ 7 For a full month after the drain is removed. That deflated my sails.

Actually, I had two appointments yesterday. The first was with a radiation oncologist. It was a consultation about radiation. There I learned why radiation is not not given for a recurrent breast cancer: because the potential side effects are horrific. They include fracturing of the ribs, the affected skin becoming leather like, and lymphedema. However, he said, that a more focused radiation can be used if cancer recurs in the chest. He said that after chemo is finished, I should check the area on a weekly basis, running my fingers lightly across the area which should be smooth. If I would find a lump or a bump, then I would contact him and if that small area was malignant, then a focused radiation could be used to kill off that small area of cancer. I  fully intend to follow those instructions.

Today I am worn out from yesterday's appointments. I was away from my house for about four hours. No, make that 5. As I compose this blog, I am correcting some of the stranger's errors, but by using my left hand. By the way, the word stranger’s was supposed to be stranger.

There is a lovely new development that will help me keep my mind off the discomfort. My brain has decided I can read again. I am so thankful for the return of that ability, and I am thankful for friends and family who provide such wonderful support for me.


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