Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Part Forty: Two Words

            Today I saw my breast surgeon.  I told her about the neuropathy I’ve been dealing with for the past 2 ½ weeks despite the 25% reduction of my October 14th chemotherapy, and the cancellation of my October 21st chemotherapy.  She said, “Let’s take a look.”
            I looked over at the small screen as she started the ultrasound even though I can never decipher the images.  All I saw today were some white streaks.  She scanned back and forth multiple times before she said two miraculous words: “It’s gone.” 
            The words “Thank you, God!” burst out of my mouth.
            And then we talked.  She is sure my oncologist, whom I will see on Friday, will agree with stopping the chemotherapy and moving straight on to surgery, which she put on her schedule for November 14th
            To be honest, I never expected this.  I hoped that the tumor would be smaller.  It never occurred to me that it would be gone.  The lumpectomy will remove the tissue where the tumor was as well as the sentinel node.  Then we will wait on the pathology report, and then we will discuss radiation therapy.
            In the meantime, this most excellent news is still settling in.  Maybe the more people I tell, the more it will seem real.  I will add three words of my own, three words I will repeat many times over each and every day: “Thank you, Jesus!”