Monday, August 22, 2016

Part Twenty-Seven: Shower Revelation

            “That’s it!” I exclaimed.  “Thank You, God!”
            There is something about showers and musing.  Under the steamy, refreshing flow of water—and who would have guessed how luxurious water streaming over a newly bald head feels—my mind wanders and ponders.  Well, after six weeks, my baldness isn’t quite so new anymore, but still the water feels good.  And there goes my mind wandering again.  I guess it’s not limited to showers.
            Anyway, after my shower I got ready for the day and then grabbed my NIV Study Bible, which has a pretty good concordance.  As is the case 98% of the time, I knew what I was looking for but didn’t know exactly where it was.  The entries under “comfort” yielded the result.  Later, after church, I spent some time on, reading the verses in various translations until I found the one that, in my humble opinion, said it best.  The New Century Version won the prize this time:
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  God is the Father who is full of mercy and all comfort.  He comforts us every time we have trouble, so when others have trouble, we can comfort them with the same comfort God gives us. (2 Corinthians 1: 3-4)
            I have heard other Christians talk about their “life verse” before.  I don’t know exactly what they mean by it, but I know what I mean.  And 2 Corinthians 1: 3-4 is mine.
            Hopefully, it is what I am doing at this very moment, writing away at the keyboard.  My heart’s desire is to share with others the hope and encouragement that God so graciously and generously showers on me. 
            Sometimes I bewail the fact that I am neither a big-picture nor detail-oriented person.  I fall somewhere in-between, which can feel like a pretty useless place to be.  Occasionally, I see the big picture, but have no idea how to get there; the details elude me.  I’m no vision caster, nor am I a vision implementer.  Instead, I operate in the present.  The here and now.  Today, minute by minute. 
            And now I am going to accept that as a blessing because it puts me in a place where I can live out what God has for me to do.  That is, be a comforter.  Share my present joys and trials with others to encourage them.  Point toward the God of all mercy, whose generous and limitless love showers down on every single person in this world, whether they recognize it or not.  Include the ups and downs, the doubts and fear and pain that are part of everyone’s journey. 
            Writing is not all of it.  Sometimes I am blessed to come alongside someone and listen to their story, really hear them.  They don’t need to hear my story; they need someone to fully engage with their story.  It’s an honor to be trusted to listen.  People usually do not want advice; they want to be heard and loved. 
            I’m the same way.  When I find that someone has read my story and it has touched them, I feel heard and loved and more than that:  grateful to God that my telling can bring His comfort.

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