Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friday Beat

            I’m beat.  Mom and I both had a busy day.
            While she was in the garden this morning, I was bringing her stuff back over from the shop one armload at a time.  It made for a lot of walking, but it also kept me from picking up things too heavy for me.  My flash of inspiration was to arrange some of her cherished items on her desk and dresser—and box up the rest in her closet.  I doubt she will miss the things in the box, but if she does they will be easy to extricate.  That is not to say that I am done yet, but at least I made significant progress. 
            After her podiatrist appointment this afternoon, we both went back to work.  She trimmed bushes along the driveway while I trimmed back the contents of the hall closet.  It was one of those jobs that was not high priority at the moment (though badly needed), but all at once I was motivated to do it.  Again, the box idea served me well.  Into a banker’s box went a miscellany of items that we never use but which I was sure she would save.  I threw out a lot, too—things like empty cardboard rolls for tape, seriously holey sheets, and burned-out light bulbs.  The end result is an organized closet.  The best part was using the top shelf space for my assorted travel bags, which used to fill the floor of my closet.
            It’s a good thing we have leftovers in the refrigerator because I really do not want to cook tonight.  I believe I can manage reheating the meat loaf, potatoes, and green beans in the microwave and mixing some fresh strawberries with yogurt for our healthy dessert.
            Then I’ll adjust the makeshift lumbar support and neck support in my recliner, put up my feet, and grab a book, the perfect ending for a busy Friday.
            Oh, but one thing remains:  tossing out the wilted daisies and fresh foxglove that Mom brought in earlier today.  I rather not have a poisonous plant decorating my kitchen.

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