Friday, July 20, 2012

Sock Joy

            I’m the sort of person who gets excited when her new lavender socks match her older lavender shirt.  There is nothing like a little sock joy to counteract a drizzly gray morning.
            The opening line of a novel I never finished comes to mind:
            Even though fear barricaded Dee Jones in her bedroom at night, unexpected joy sometimes bubbled up like a cool, refreshing spring in the morning.
            That clear, undiluted joy pops up at unexpected moments.  Discovering the right place to hang a picture.  Experiencing God’s Word speaking directly to my need.  Hearing pure, soaring tones of worship flow out of my flute.  Seeing glorious mountains rise in their white-capped glory against the sky’s clear blue.  Sinking my feet in the sand and listening to the soothing surf caressing the shore.
            When joy strikes—even over matching socks—I know its source:  God.


  1. Oh, Janis. I love your writings and your reminders of seeing and appreciating God even in the littlest things.
