Saturday, July 14, 2012

Nap On Demand

            Yesterday:  intermittent downpours, occasional lightning in the distance, barely perceptible thunder.  Last night:  Flash!  Boom!  Flash!  Boom!  Crackle!  Silence . . . It sure was quiet without ceiling fan and air purifier and refrigerator motor humming.  This morning:  pelting rain, rumbling thunder, falling barometric pressure.  This afternoon:  blue sky and sun, sauna-like 70s.  (My apologies to those who are experiencing truly hot weather.)
            I believe I have strained my shoulder and neck muscles from taking too many naps.  I feel a familiar sadness wrapping its cloak about my aching body:  pain, fatigue, and no motivation are all of one piece with fibro flares.  It’s tempting to feel sorry for myself or to assign too much meaning to my grey mood this week.  Remembering that once upon a time I felt this way most of the time is enough to remind me how blessed I am now to have far more good days than bad.
            What’s more, I have tomorrow to anticipate.  Morning worship at Whidbey Presbyterian and getting to do two of the things I love most:  serve as worship assistant and play my flute.  Who could ask for anything more?  But then, there is more:  going to an afternoon play with a dear friend, enjoying whatever I prepare for dinner, indulging in a taste of chocolate wine with my brother. 
            And next week, next week I shall start to gradually increase my walking as I gradually decrease my caloric intake.  I’ll make a to-do list; I’ll resume serious practice of my flutes; I’ll apply myself to writing and editing and neglected household tasks.  I’ll celebrate the mild summer weather.  But, rain or no rain, I’ll still be sure to nap on demand.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I prefer to embrace my low energy times, with the faith that there will also be higher energy times to follow. On the other hand, I believe you have the key: count your blessings, make a plan, and then follow through. And still give yourself the license to nap!
