Tuesday, June 1, 2010


    I’ve had a pretty strenuous week, and my knuckles bore the brunt of it.

    How can Tuesday’s twenty-hour travel day make one knuckle-weary?  It was pulling the carry-on bag and using the smart phone as I whiled away the airport hours. 

    Wednesday’s massage did everything for my tight back and shoulder muscles but not much for my knuckles.  Choir practice soothed away the post-massage ache.

    Practicing with the senior citizen dance band on Thursday didn’t seem to affect my knuckles adversely, but playing the two-plus hour dance the next night put a strain on them.

    Saturday was spent in recuperation, and participating in both services Sunday was a delight.  However, I snagged a knuckle on the shopping cart later.

    Other knuckle culprits of the week were cutting up two quarts of strawberries, practicing my flutes, indulging in a couple hours of computer solitaire, and writing, writing, writing at my computer keyboard.

    So I’m left with aching knuckles and a bit of fluid retention inbetween each knob.

    And you’re left wondering why you’ve just spent a few minutes reading about my knuckles.  And I’m wondering what leads me to knuckle down and write about my knuckles in the first place.
    This is the point where I’m supposed to tie everything together in a grand knuckle finale to make you chuckle.  However, I need to knuckle under to my inner taskmaster and take care of a few things around the house.

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