Friday, June 29, 2018

Mutiny and Other Topics

            I got over the self-deception.  Last night my scratching was outright mutiny against doctor’s orders.  But I’d rather write about other things.
            A week ago, a large patch of thickened, red, hot, and exquisitely painful skin suddenly appeared on my sternum.  Today I realize most of it is gone, miraculously replaced by normal, smooth skin.
            This morning, soon after I emailed a friend, saying I had not experienced a single food craving, I became ravenously hungry.  I had a handful of raw almonds for a snack, which cut the edge just a little.  (At times like that, I normally reach for carbs.) 
            This afternoon, feeling rather cooped up in my house on this 108 degree (heat index, that is) day, I decided to take the short drive to Dewey to see what a particular little market had for sale.  I was thinking cauliflower, broccoli, sweet potato.  None of those were available, but I bought a couple tomatoes for tonight’s salad and a quart of blackberries.  They reminded me of the huge berries at the farmers markets on Whidbey Island. 
            Berries are low on the glycemic index and permitted on my detox diet, so I ate some on the short drive home.  They were the sweetest, juiciest berries I have ever eaten.  Or maybe their sweetness had something to do with the fact that I have consumed no sugar for four days. 
            I’ve had a good day, and it is only four o’clock.  The plumber came at nine (don’t ask), I took care of some long-neglected filing, paid bills, did some fretting over the damage done to my budget by paying the plumber, cleaned out my inbox, cleaned half of my half-bath, and sundry other items.  It occurs to me that list, as boring as it may be to you, is quite exciting to me.  It shows me that I am getting some energy and drive back.
            Now, if I can just stop scratching . . .

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