Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Part Sixty-Two: A Matter of the Heart

"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat.  But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail"  (Luke 22:31-32a). 
Last summer, as I began chemotherapy treatments, Luke 22:31-32 spoke to my heart. Any number of times over the years, I have read the account of Peter's denial of Christ.  But never before had this particular verse become personalit was as if Jesus were speaking directly to me. 
Let me assure you that the only characteristic I share with Simon Peter is that I, too, have denied my Lord at various points in my life.  It seemed presumptuous to take a statement from Jesus to Simon as a personal statement to me, but as I have pondered these two verses, I see them as a statement to all believers. 
We know from Job 1:6-12 that even Satan is accountable to God.  Just as he asked to tempt Job, he asked "to crush Simon Peter and the other disciples like grains of wheat.  He hoped to find only chaff and blow it away" (Life Application Study Bible note on Luke 22:31,32).  Satan uses every opportunity to tempt or crush believers.  I could see him using the opportunity of my aggressive cancer as a tool to crush my faith.  But God had a different plan. 
In verse 32, Jesus tells Simon, "But I have prayed for you . . . that your faith may not fail."  Those words struck home.  Jesus prayed for Simon.  Jesus prays for us (John 17:20). How powerful to think of Jesus praying for me individually!  That simple but profound knowledge brought me deep comfort.   
Just as He did for Simon, Jesus confounded Satan's plan for me.  Instead of destroying my faith, cancer strengthened my faith.  Disease and suffering pushed me into Jesus' embrace.  As He gave me peace, I trusted Him more, and as I trusted Him more, He gave me peace.   
Peace and trust: the process is never-ending.  God's part is perfect and whole.  Our part is imperfect and stumbling.  But because the triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—loves us with an extravagant love, He encourages us at every turn.   
When suffering threatens to crush you, remember that Jesus prays for you.  Remember that He has authority over the devil: He can take any circumstance in your life and use it for good (Romans 8:28).  He will draw you closer to His heart. 

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