Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Morning After

            I have no headache, but the rest of my body makes up for it. 
            True, on New Year’s Eve, I indulged in my favorite new non-alcoholic drink:  black cherry juice concentrate in Talking Rain carbonated water.  Two glasses, in fact, in an antique crystal goblet:  one with a simple supper of turkey chili and salad with Pear Gorgonzola dressing, and one as I read Echoes by Maeve Binchy.  My cat appreciated the company.
            It was during a phone conversation with my son that my left knee was attacked with stabbing pains.  By bedtime (11:30 was late enough for me), the right knee, lower back, and shoulder blades joined in.  And when I woke this morning, all areas had intensified, so when my morning protein shake and cup of strong coffee did nothing to improve the situation, I took one Tylenol #3 and went back to bed.  After an hour, I got up again.  It’s now close to noon, and the stabs and jolts and overall intensity are finally subdued to a tolerable threshold.
            I suspect that my body is throwing a tantrum.  You see, yesterday afternoon I had my monthly massage.  At the end of that hour, I am fully relaxed and enjoy a few minutes or a few hours of absolutely no pain.  Sometimes the next day, especially if I have not been diligent in drinking lots of water, I experience a draggy body ache.  But I’ve never had this full-out assault of acute pain.  I’d like to think of it as the angry, determined thrashes of a toddler just before he gives in to sleep.  Fibromyalgia is prone to tantrums, after all.
            For now (as the shoulder blade stabs start again) I am going to ignore the brewing tantrum and fiddle around with my computer workstation to see if raising the monitor a few inches will counteract the attack on my upper back.
            And then, to celebrate the first day of 2013, I’ll settle in with my Binchy book and another goblet of Talking Rain infused with black cherry concentrate.  Everything else (except for another nap) can wait until tomorrow.

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