Friday, February 11, 2011

One of Those Days

            A moment of silence . . . I will take some deep breaths and calm down.
            It’s been one of those days.  Yes, there have probably been some ten-minute uninterrupted stretches, but not enough.  Mom is having a slow day, which means she has been inside all day, which means that the same questions have been circulating in one or two minute intervals:
            Where is John?
            What’s that noise?
            Do I need to take the trash out today?
            Am I having a slow day?  What is it, two in a row now?
            Yes, I am frazzled.  No, I can’t really escape for a couple hours until tomorrow when John is home.  I just keep answering her questions as patiently as possible:
            John is at work.
            The bread machine is making the noise.
            No, not today.
            But now, I’m wondering:  would telling tall tales help me keep my cool?
            He’s hanging out with Bill Gates.
            The spaceship has landed.
            The space aliens will take care of the trash.
            You’ve run circles around me today.
So, a moment of silence . . . I will take some deep breaths and calm down.  It’s been one of those days . . .

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