Monday, August 14, 2017

February 2, 1975: Yesterday's Adventure*

            David and I hitchhiked to Iowa City.  Neither of us had hitchhiked before, so we thought it would be fun to try.  It was.  We went on Highway 6 and it took us 3 ½ hours for the 65 miles.  We had 6 rides, none of them very long.  They were:  1) a chiropractic assistant, she was very nice (as all of them were) and we talked about broken bones, 2) a high school boy in his hopped up car, so loud we didn’t talk, 3) a middle-age farmer who told us about the recent—last summer—tornado, 4) a man who was drunk with his wife and little dog in a pickup truck (what a squeeze) on their way to the dump.  He drove slowly, thank goodness, but all over the road and the whole situation was sad, but still very comical, 5) a man with a strong German accent, hardly understandable, 6) a freak** who was real friendly; he was headed for an auction.  He drove a 1954 Chevrolet truck in good condition.  We walked a lot, too.  But what a cross section of middle America! ***

*From a letter I wrote to my mother spring semester of my sophomore year at Grinnell College.

**In 70s slang, a “freak” meant a hippie.

***My 62-year-old self is laughing at my letter and horrified at the thought of hitchhiking.  What a different world it was in the 1970s!

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