Thursday, February 24, 2011

Let the Pain Begin! (cont'd)

February 19, 2011
            Even if I end up collapsing into bed later, I am still pleased with how these few days have gone.  I expected the time to be much worse.  The parts that I especially dreaded—the extreme lethargy and depressed mood—simply have not happened.  I’ve been conscientious about maintaining what is a normal routine and level of activity, and I’ve been careful not to push my limits.  (Let me add that though those are great coping mechanisms, they don’t always work.)  So I’ll give the credit to God, who deserves all praise anyway, even when things go horribly wrong. 

            Another wave of the fatigue/flu/nausea rolled over me this afternoon.  The important thing is that it went away.

            How self-centered does a pain journal get?  Writing helps me deal with discomfort; the danger is when I focus on the discomfort too long.  So I guess the value is in the process of writing itself—to a point—and in thereby creating a written record to refer to later when I’ve forgotten the specifics.  It could help me make a decision for or against Celebrex.  Right now, though, I’m going to go recline for awhile.

            Around suppertime the malaise, nausea, and achy pain set in.  I’m impressed I made it this long.  Since I’ve done so well until now, I wonder if next week I could cut back the Celebrex to every other day?

            I’ll admit it:  two Tylenol 3 around 8:30 p.m.  It is now almost 10:30 and though the neck pain is just as sharp, the rest is a little better.  I wanted to try to break the pain cycle and was only partially successful.  I won’t be able to take any more T3 tomorrow because taking it on an empty stomach makes me nauseous.  Clear liquids, here I come!

February 20, 2011
            At 3:45 a.m. I awoke, noting I was pain free (hallelujah!) but had restless legs.  I suppose it is a trade off.
            This morning, I’m feeling pretty good and anticipating being REALLY hungry later.  For breakfast I had a sports drink (Reliv Orange Innergize—no food colorings) and a small cup of black coffee.  And, of course, my morning medications.  So far no complaints from my sensitive stomach.

            The fatigue hit after church, so I came home and laid down for awhile.  But, boy, am I hungry!
            I’ve done most of my preparations and am waiting for the dreaded four o’clock hour when I drink the bottle of magnesium citrate. . . . The preparations basically involve having anything I could possibly need for the evening moved to the bathroom. . . . My theory is that these “Golytely hours” will make the discomfort from not taking Celebrex seem—as the cliché goes—like a piece of cake.

            Finished!  Sometimes the dreading is far worse than the doing.  The hardest part right now is being VERY hungry.  Still, I will be glad to have all this over tomorrow.

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