I hope today finds you healthy at home. It is quite a change we are all going through, limiting our activities for an indefinite length of time in order to protect others and ourselves from covid-19.
Today I had hoped to call as many people as I could in our congregation just to say a friendly hello and find out it you needed anything. But a bad cold prevents me from talking much, so I’m emailing instead.
I was just reading Bible Study Fellowship notes from last week. We are studying the book of Acts with side trips into some of the New Testament letters. One of the truths from I Corinthians is living our lives with love and humility, which often includes sacrificing for others’ benefit. And isn’t that exactly what the whole nation has been called to do during this pandemic? We are staying home and avoiding crowds in the effort to protect others (and ourselves) from disease. We are making individual sacrifices for the greater common good.
There is much fear and uncertainty circulating in our world today. How bad will the pandemic become? What will happen to jobs? How long will we need to practice social distancing? In this time of crisis, let’s start asking different questions that stem from love rather than fear: How can I help my neighbors, my family, my friends? How can I make this time of limited options one of personal spiritual growth? How can I connect with others on a daily basis?
Stay tuned to your email for communications from Pastor Ray about online prayer and worship opportunities. If you have a computer—or even a smart phone or tablet—and Internet access, it is easy to get connected. Just click on the link Ray provides in his email.
In the coming weeks, I’ll be in touch, whether by email, text, or phone call. Feel free to contact me, too.
Grace and Peace,
Janis Lussmyer, Interim Director of Pastoral Care
Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church